== Changelog == = 3.1.01 = *Release Date - 28 June 2023* * Fixed issue on menu editor where there was no overflow of the menu items in the editor * Fixed issue with modal plugin where the style editor wouldn't load * Fixed issue with folders when minimised where tables did not stretch back to correct width * Fixed issue with menu builder were custom classes were not being applied * Fixed bug with menu creator where it would show incorrect modified date = 3.1.0 = *Release Date - 20 June 2023* * Fixed issue with folders module that could cause an error when no folder post types were set * Performance improvements * New feature Query builder * New feature import / export site settings * Google analytics now uses dummy data in the builder to prevent exhausted quota issues * Many other improvements and tweaks = 3.0.9 = *Release Date - 04 April 2023* * Added new user management and history extensions * Added new folder management for posts and media = 3.0.8 = *Release Date - 22 March 2023* * Fixed issue where frontend toolbars would fail to load * Added new menu creator feature = 3.0.7 = *Release Date - 17 February 2023* * Fixed issue on multisite where analytics accounts were not syncing correctly * Added two new site options to limit media and posts / pages to users own only * Added new woocommerce analytics blocks * Added new Kanban view block for woocommerce orders * Added recent orders block for woocommerce = 3.0.6 = *Release Date - 2 February 2023* * Added new analytics maps block * Added new conditional options for showing / hiding blocks = 3.0.5 = *Release Date - 27 January 2023* * Fixed issue with advanced menu editor where adding submenu items to custom admin pages wasn't possible * Added new shortcode block * Stopped the head code option double loading * Removed version number from user enqueued styles and scripts to prevent potential caching issues * Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts for dropdowns / offcanvas panels etc not showing up in block settings * Fixed issue with translations not loading up * Added several options for customising the login page = 3.0.4 = *Release Date - 9 December 2022 November 2022* * Added new content navigator block = 3.0.3 = *Release Date - 2 December 2022* * Added option to set login redirect url / homepage on the content page block * Added new user role editor tool * Added pro site settings like, enqueue styles, scripts, hide uipress from the plugin table and other options * Added option to buttons to run custom js code on click * Added option to hide plugin notices = 3.0.2 = *Release Date - 24 November 2022* * Fixed bug with iframe block where custom links would sometimes not show * Added user meta block * Added style block for editing chart canvas = 3.0.1 = *Release Date - 22 November 2022* * Fixed bug where uninstalling / deactivating uipress pro without uipress lite active would cause a critical error and prevent from deactivating * Added option to advanced menu editor to reset custom menu * Made changes to negate cache issues when updating * Added options to advanced menu editor to allow you to set items to open in new tab, outside frame and without uipress = 3.0.0 = *Release Date - 17 November 2022* * First public release of version 3.0.0. A complete rewrite of uipress and it's functionality